Pastor Fontane

Pastor Fontane Sainsurin was born August 5, 1960 and grew up in the small town of La Pointe de Palmiste, outside of the Port-de-Paix area. After finishing the 11th grade, he began regularly preaching at a local church. In 1984, Pastor Fontane moved to St. Marc, a large town about 4 hours away. There he served as director of a Christian school. He didn’t know it at the time, but he would later use this experience to start the school in L’Allemand. After two years, Pastor Fontane felt that the Lord was calling him back to his birthplace and he moved back in with his parents. Not yet knowing what ministry God was calling him to do, evangelism became his focus. He would daily hike an hour up the mountain to the city of La Croix, where he would sit under a tree with his books, eating yams with the local kids and discussing the Bible. Ironically, his daily hike passed by the future site of the L’Allemand church, and he remembers often thinking while passing by that the community needed a church and school. This was also a big year for him as he married his first wife, whom he had met before going to St. Marc. They raised 3 children together until her passing in 2002 from cancer.

The church in L’Allemand eventually began services in 1987, and Pastor Fontane was ordained as an official minister in 1989. In the late 90’s Pastor Fontane started spending long stents in Port-au-Prince to attend Bible College. The church was run by committee in his absence, with guest preachers on Sunday mornings. He graduated from Bible College in 2003 and returned to the L’Allemand church full time. This was another big year for him, as he married his second wife, with whom he had 2 more children. Pastor Fontane still lives in the Port-de-Paix area and either walks or takes a motorcycle up the mountain to L’Allemand several days a week (weather permitting). Looking back, it is clear that God was using his past job experiences to prepare him for the work he was being called to do in L’Allemand.

Pastor Silosterne Eugene (Silo) was born in 1972 in the L’Allemand area.  As a teenager, he started attending the L’Allemand church in its early years.  He grew in leadership roles until he was officially ordained in 2012 and took on the role of Associate Pastor.  He graduated from Bible College in 2014.  Pastor Silo manages the daily church affairs, as well as teaches 5th and 6th grade in the school.  He is married with four children.  Growing up in the community gives Pastor Silo a unique perspective and a passion to see the church serve the community.

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